Friday, December 26, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

This is my newest one. My friend Corinne asked me to make her a poster for her room with a "colorful sky." This is what I came up with.
I took this picture this past summer at Groezrock which is a big punk festival in Meerhout Belgium. I think the band is Mayday Parade but they're just another girly pop-punk band who cares. Hmmm I put wings on the guy in the back cause again, I just felt like doing it.
There are tons of squirrels in our community, I guess that's where this came from. I have no idea why I wanted bloody tools in the background, I just felt like it
I had messed around with old DaVinci drawings a while back and that's where the idea for this one came from. I was going for this old time, unreal look. One of the few pictures I'm really proud of
I hate this one. I just do.

Ok well I started this one back in Germany, the original was much more simple. Few months later, opened it up again and added alot more to the background.


Well I like to make art but I don't think any of it is any good....
Alot of these pictures in this blog I have made into posters for my room.
Basically these are all for my portfolio so maybe I can one day get a job and not have to work in the fast food industry but who am I kidding.